In partnership with the Maine Memory Network Maine Memory Network

Shop at the Museum

Blockhouse Tee Shirts
Cotton tee shirts in forest green with a yellow imprint of the trademark Scarborough blockhouse. By chance, a misprint in the logo makes these shirts a real collector's item, so order yours while they're still available in all sizes -- S, M, L, & XL.

They're priced at $10.50 plus $4 for priority mail

The Historical Society offers the following items for sale at the Museum
Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to noon, the second Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. to noon or by mail:

Scarborough Historical Society
P O Box 156, Scarborough ME 04070

Tote Bags $9.00
Caps $7
Note Cards, sets 1 & 2; each $2.50


Grandfather Tales of Scarborough
by Augustus Moulton $40

History of Scarborough, spiral-bound, soft cover: 1633-1783
by William S. Southgate $35

Images of America: Scarborough in the Twentieth Century
by Rodney Laughton $17

Scarborough at 350, Linking the Past to the Present $40

Gems of Prouts Neck History $40

York Deeds Index $31

Scarborough Fare, recipes from members and friends of the Historical Society $18

Maine Archives and Museums, booklet $2.50

A variety of tee shirts & sweatshirts
(various sizes, designs, and prices)

Add $4 per item for shipment via Priority Mail.